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Wake ABC cares about the health and well being of our community.

Wake County Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control supports many non-profit organizations within Wake County.  All of these organizations have programs and services aimed at the education, prevention, and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse.  To get a list of organizations who have received funding, please contact the General Manager at 919.832.2726.

ABC store employee checking customer ID

Wake County ABC Law Enforcement also works hard to educate the public about drug and alcohol laws and abuse.

They provide training and education programs to any Wake County alcohol permitted establishment. This program covers a wide scope of the N.C. ABC Laws with a special emphasis on sales to underage, sales to intoxicated persons, and conduct upon the licensed premises.  Wake County ABC Officers are active members with the local Wake County M.A.D.D. Chapter. ABC Officers are active in the enforcement efforts of reducing drunk driving offenses through North Carolina’s “Booze It and Loose It” campaigns.